About Nicholas Buckendorf
Nicholas Buckendorf is an information enthusiast who spends his time researching various topics and utilizing various aspects of technology to continuously garner more knowledge. Working as a computer technician and web development engineer for the Computer Science Corporation, his primary areas of focus center on proactive approaches to helping people achieve their goals through technology. Nicholas also works on research assignments on a variety of topics and experiences, writing reports that garner multiple reliable sources and factors in various angles into his presentations.
Having been awarded many certifications and awards throughout his high school years, including several CompTIA computer certifications, being a Future Business Leaders of America nationals competitor, and President of the Academy of Information Technology for Tooele County School District. Nicholas also focused on making sure work was being done to help others succeed alongside him with several concurrent internships for his school district.
“Mr. Buckendorf is not a licensed loan originator. He can not discuss terms or negotiate a loan and can only assist in a customer service capacity.